Smash Book


I did some serious cleaning today and I’m exhausted now. When I finally sat down I started messing around with my Smash Book by K&Company. Have you ever seen those? They’re really cute. I love scrapbooking but my attention span is about as long as Kim Kardashians marriage to Kris Humphries. 

Here is a SmashBook.


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It’s just a fancy scrap book, but the pages are really cute and there are maybe 5 different themed books right now. The one I am working on is the “Mod” black one. I love it so far. I also have the pink one. I’m ADD so I work with both of them. LOL

When I finish one, I’ll post a video of it. I need more ideas so I can keep busy for one day. I just realized how popular Smashing really is! I also just found out there are a lot of links online for ideas so I’m going to be a busy girl tonight!

Here are some links for Ideas:

Happy Smashing! ❤