Casey Anthony Lives in Columbus, Ohio???? Yep. She’s Here.

Baby Killer, Casey Anthony

I was just reading and saw an article that read:

Columbus Cops: We’ll Protect Casey … For A Price.

Hmm.. Wonder why the hell she’s in Columbus?

Hey, whatever happened to that sniper guy?

We. Don’t. Want. You. Here. Casey. 

The article does not say what her business in Columbus is. Folks, hide your kids.

UPDATE: According to SEVERAL websites, Casey Anthony will be living in Columbus, Ohio.

Ok, Columbus…I’m NOT kidding. Hide your kids.
I live in Columbus and I will keep you updated on any sightings or news that I hear or see. Again, anyone know where that sniper guy is? LOL –  j/k.

The second reason — Casey still needs help coping with the “obvious trauma of losing her child.”
Third, Casey spent nearly three years in solitary confinement in a Florida jail … where she spent 23 hours a day in a 4×9 foot cell … all while facing murder chargers. Our source, directly connected to Casey, tells us, “It messed with her head.”

Update August 3rd:
Per TMZ Casey was spotted in Ohio.

And judging the pictures posted, my guess is she’s in the Lennox Town Center Mall on Olentangy River Rd. in Columbus, Ohio.

But I’m just guessing. Those old time street lamps look mighty familiar 🙂

Ready….Set…. GO!

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